
Check out my trip with Mommy and Daddy to Kathmandu and Pokhara, Nepal!

6 Responses to “Nepal”

  1. grace Says:

    little lucas! Your auntie is so proud of you for traveling so far and being so brave going down the scary slide! kick your daddy for me :)!

  2. kamal Says:

    that was a very nice travel video. i actually found it from

    you did a great job there. When you watch this film, it feels like the camera man is the baby itself… it’s his story, the directory/actor everything. also, you have covered so many places in nepal, awesome.

    thank you for sharing.


  3. Aaron Says:

    Great vid!

    Nepal is such a great country. This video brought back some good memories for me of my short time there.

  4. Uncle Drew Says:

    Hey Lucas.. I noticed that in the 4:20′ of this video you already show your baseball skills! U rock dude!

  5. Uncle Drew Says:

    correction.. 4:12′.. and it’s a curve ball!

  6. Erica Says:

    Is it wrong to be jeallous of a baby???

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